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St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Fownhope

What we nurture today, flourishes tomorrow

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As a Church School, we hold an act of collective worship every day of the week. The parish rector leads certain assemblies, as do other members of the village community. Other assemblies are led by teachers on a rota basis. Mr. Milne always leads our Monday assembly. Our Friday ‘Good News Assembly’ celebrates children’s achievements and parents are welcome to join us for this; this is always led by some of our Year 6 prefects. Our Christian 'fruit of the Spirit' (Galatians 5:22-23) are taught on a yearly cycle and are incorporated into our daily worship. Our nine fruit of the Spirit are:-


September - Kindness

October - Patience

November/ December - Peace

January - Love

February - Goodness

March - Joy

April - Faithfulness

May - Gentleness

June/July - Self-control 


Collective worship is invitational and allows for deep reflection about what it means to be Christian. It reflects the school’s values, bringing together the community in a sense of purpose and achievement (SIAMS Inspection, June 2019). 




SIAMS Report (June 2019)

