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St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Fownhope

What we nurture today, flourishes tomorrow

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What is good attendance?

'Good attendance is ‘children attending school for every session of every day the school is open to them’.


At St. Mary’s Primary School we seek to promote a culture in which children enjoy coming to school, and do not want to miss out. We are committed to providing a full and efficient education to all pupils and embrace the concept of equal opportunities for all. We will endeavour to provide an environment where all pupils feel valued and welcome. For a child to reach their full educational achievement, a high level of school attendance is essential. We will consistently work towards a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to pupils and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance.


Parents/carers are expected to: 

  •  ensure that their child attends school every day on time
  •  call or email the school to report their child’s absence before 8.30am on the first day of the absence and each subsequent day of absence, advising when the child is expected to return
  •  provide the school with more than 1 emergency contact number for their child
  •  ensure that, where possible, appointments for their child are made outside of the school day



