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St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Fownhope

What we nurture today, flourishes tomorrow

Get in touch


Welcome to The Friends of St Mary's School PTA

About Us

The Friends of St Mary's School PTA is a charity comprised of a Committee of like - minded parents who want to enhance their children's time at school.  Our aim is to raise funds for resources such as technology, play equipment, reading resources, trips and anything the school feel would help them to engage the children more in their learning. To do this we hold events such as discos, fairs and 'Wear What You Like days'.

We fundraise, as schools are currently very underfunded and the cost of certain items such as technology items are extremely expensive and need updating due to the amount of use they get.


So far, we have raised money for:


  • Pre - Schools new fenced area
  • Pre - Schools large easel board
  • Receptions new fenced area
  • ipads
  • ipad cooling station
  • Medical fridge
  • Laptops
  • The quiet area restoration
  • Tyre tunnels on the field
  • New library books
  • Coach costs


We receive wish lists from teachers each year requesting items for their classrooms and it would be great to be able to say yes to everything!  However, this is where we rely on the support of the parents. Your input is essential to our success.


If you would like to join or support us in any capacity then please do get in touch via the contact form below.  We are a friendly team who want to hear your ideas.


Our Committee

Chair: Sarah Meredith 

Treasurer: Louise Shah

Secretary: Sophie Knight 

Lottery: TBC

Events & Raffle: Gina Borman, Zoe Croudace


Easy Fundraising  

Please take a look at the links below and if you do shop online, we would ask you to consider signing up to these.  They make money for the PTA while you shop and at no extra cost to you.  They are both very simple to use and if you need any help setting up then please feel free to message at the email address above.


School Lottery

If you would like to join our lottery please contact by email at  The PTA will send you details of how to join and set you up with your numbers. It is £1 per number and you can have as many as you like!  The draw takes place each month and you are in with a chance of winning one of three cash prizes.


Clothing Bank

Outside of red class you will notice a big green bin.  This makes us money by you recycling old clothes, shoes etc.  You are welcome to use it for everything that it states on the bin itself.  Unfortunately, old uniform cannot be put in there but you can donate it to our second - hand stores should you so wish.


Social Media

Connect with us on Facebook! The page is private so that only members can see what is being posted. Please feel free to join.  This page has been set up to allow us to communicate about our goings on in the school.


Second Hand Uniform 

We run a wonderful second hand uniform initiative. Our kind parents and carers at school donate their good condition, outgrown uniform and we sell it on for a price of £1.50 per item. We have stalls with uniform for sale at our events, and every few months a member of the PTA will do a call for uniform via our Facebook page. Uniform is limited so it is on a first come first served basis. Due to space limitations we only accept donations of logo items, school ties, and plain PE kit items.

My Name Tags

We have now signed up with MyNameTags PTA & School fundraising initiative; where each purchase returns 24% of your purchase price to our school.

Our School ID is: 63216 

They are the BEST stickers (and also offer a range of other products), so you won't find them caught up in a pile at the back of your washing machine or dishwasher like some others on the market. 

They also support Easy Fundraising, so it is double the donation!


Contact the The Friends of St Mary's School PTA

Email us below...

