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St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Fownhope

What we nurture today, flourishes tomorrow

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Whole School Approach to SEND


High quality first teaching and additional interventions are defined through our dialogue across the school contributing to our provision management approach. These discussions help us to regularly review and record what we offer EVERY child or young person in our care and what we offer additionally.  These discussions also serve to embed our high expectations among staff about quality first teaching and the application of a differentiated and personalised approach to teaching and learning.


Underpinning ALL our provision in school is the graduated approach cycle of:


All teachers are responsible for every child in their care, including those with special educational needs.


Assess:  Teachers formally assess their pupils against age related expectations 3 times a year. These assessments are analysed by the Head teacher and discussed at Pupil Progress meetings. Any children seen to be performing below the expected level are given the opportunity to participate in interventions. Where a child is seen to be having further learning difficulties they are assessed discussed with the SENDCO and further assessment is arranged.


Plan: When a child has been assessed the SENDCO will make recommendations to the class teacher in terms of next steps forward and actions to take to support the child in their learning. If the child is seen to need SEND support the child will be put on the SEND support register and an Individual Provision Map will be formulated by the class teacher after consultation with the SENDCO, parents and child, as required. The provision map will outline the outcomes expected for the child and how these will be achieved. This plan will involve SMART targets (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and realistic, time bound.)

Teachers’ planning / Individual Provision Maps (IPMs) details the interventions which each child is receiving , including those children who need some support but are not on the SEND support register.


Do: The class teacher will ensure that the child is supported within general class teaching through differentiated learning and by providing the relevant interventions. The assessment cycle will provide the information to show whether or not the child is closing the gap and the interventions / teaching and learning are having a positive impact.


Review: Termly, the Pupil Progress meetings will take place with teacher and headteacher. Individual Provision Map targets are reviewed at the beginning of each term but at additional times if necessary. Once targets are reviewed a new plan is formulated. Parents’ evenings are held termly and children on the SEND Support register are offered 20 minute slots rather than 10 minutes. A child may be taken off the SEND support register if all desired outcomes for the child have been achieved.

Should further support be needed the child may be assessed by an Educational Psychologist and referred for an Education and Health Care Plan.


SEND Needs

Children and young people’s SEND are generally thought of in the following four broad areas of need and support:


  1. Communication and interaction

Children may be referred to speech and language support and a speech therapist may see the child in or out of school. Interventions such as Chatterbox and Teaching Talking are used when necessary.

   2.Cognition and learning

Quality first teaching and differentiated learning within the classroom. Teaching assistants are allocated to support the learning across the school. Specific intervention groups are set up for small groups and individual children. Interventions include: Numeracy: Plus 1 and Power of 2, First Class@ Number 1 and 2, Springboard, Numicon, Wave 3.Phonics: Read Write Inc. small group and one to one tutoring. Handwriting; Speed Up programme.

   3. Social, emotional and mental health

Internal pastoral support is provided by teachers and the onsite pastoral support teacher. EHA (Early Help Assessment) meetings are set up where necessary. Referrals are made to CAMHS for children with mental health issues.

   4. Sensory and/or physical needs

Arrangements are made on an individual basis to support children with sensory and physical needs e.g. a room set aside for children who need rest time. When needed, links have been made with Blackmarston School so that children can visit to use the sensory room and hydro therapy pool. External agencies are used to assess and support e.g. physiotherapists and occupational therapists.


As of February 2021 we have 14 children on our SEND support register. There are also a number who receive support through interventions to aid their learning but are not on the SEND support register. We have internal processes for monitoring quality of provision and assessment of need.  These include teaching and learning observations by senior leaders.

